Living in Rwanda Contunues to be Very Safe

Living in Rwanda continues to be safe. It is one of safest places to live in Africa.

rwanda-todayAccording to Rwanda Ministry of Internal Security report released recently indicated a reduction of crimes down by 2.1%. This proved that Rwanda continues being the safest places to live in Africa. Who ever plans a holiday to Africa, he or she should consider visiting Rwanda as it inhabits almost half of the world’s last remaining population of the mountain gorillas in Volcanoes national park.

The report released by the Minister of Internal Security in a press conference in Kigali, on November 29, 2013 revealed a reduction of crimes in the first quarter of this financial year—July, August and September, an improvement resulting from various policing measures initiated. This is a great achievement for Rwanda security organization.

This report showed that, theft, assault, rape, defilement and drug abuse were the most popular crimes in Rwanda and they they have all reduced.

Cases of drug abuse were mostly registered in the Eastern Province or Rwanda, while majority of assault cases were due to domestic wrangles and excessive drinking.

Road security status in Rwanda

The report further revealed that the road traffic related offenses also reduced by 34.9% in the same period compared to the last quarter of the 2012/2013 fiscal year—April, May and June.

This reduction was also due to various preventive strategies that were established such as the road safety sensitization efforts and the decentralization of the Motor Vehicle Mechanical Inspection Centres (MIC). These strategies are to continue for further reduction of the crime rates in Rwanda.

Harerimana said that this is a commendable step in ensuring maximum safety of all people living in Rwanda and their property. However,  double effort is required to even deal with the few cases that still exist.

With 3 MICs currently, including a Mobile Test Lane, Rwanda National Police is currently in the process to establish other three centres; Ngoma, Huye and Karongi districts, which will be operational effective next year 2014.

Harerimana appealed to the general public in Rwanda to adhere to the new law that penalises anyone caught smoking in public places.

He added that as Rwandese move towards the end of the year 2013, the public should plan their festivities and events in a lawful and peaceful way to eliminate any insecurity.

The Public Relations and Community Policing commissioner in Rwanda, ACP, Damas Gatare, also urged to the community to corporate with Rwanda National Police, through community policing, to fight and prevent security threats in their localities.

In November last year 2012, the same report released by Gallup, showed Rwanda as the safest country to live in Africa. This report shows that ‘The Global States of Mind’—New Metrics for World Leaders indicated Rwanda topped the list of countries where citizens are most likely to feel safe, at 92%, followed by Niger, at 84% in Africa.